Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hair Wreaths for Flower Girls

Get your flower girl ready with a fun activity.
The most common and widely recognized accessory for flower girls is the willowy budded hair wreath that was made popular by old English wedding ceremonies. Today a fabric satin hair piece is more common complete with comb teeth for perfect placement in an updo. Of course this is a cleaner look than a natural flower girl hair piece , but we have one fun little activity for your flower girl. Flower girls may be a little nervous being a part of a production with cameras pointing and people fussing over them. It is important to sit down with your young one to explain what they are doing, their duties, and that its perfectly fine to relax and not worry about being perfect.
While talking about her duties buy a bouquet from your local grocery floral department. Soft stemmed flowers are best. Pick colors that match her flower girl dress. Spread them out on your table and create a natural wreath. You can weave the stems like a traditional christmas wreath or you can split the ends and tie the stems together like one does with butter cups and dandilions on the school play yard.
Either way this fun activity will hold her attention while you explain the grown up details of ceremonies and the role of a flower girl. Let her wear her homemade hair piece and practice her single step walk down the aisle between the kitchen chairs.
Don't forget to let her practice in her flower girl shoes if the new footwear had an inch heal. This is a big day, there is no reason not to stretch out the excitement while getting her ready.

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